Do Tuft and Needle Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Yes, Tuft and Needle mattresses have fiberglass, but wait, do all their mattress contains fiberglass?
Hey everyone, I’m Yashraj, a sleep science and mattress expert, who tested a lot of mattresses and in this guide, I’m going to reveal about Tuft and Needle mattress fiberglass to help you get a better and safe sleep.

Do Tuft and Needle Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Tuft and Needle mattresses do not have fiberglass except for a few of their models, in which they use fiberglass as a fire retardant.

There are very few brands that disclose that they use fiberglass and do not leave a chance to boast that they do not, and Tuft and Needle are among those brands.

I tested Tuft and Needle mattresses a few years back when their mattresses used to contain fiberglass, but now their high-end models do not contain it.

But is it really true, Is their claim that they do not use fiberglass in their mattress true or is it just another false claim like other many mattress brands make?

To clear up this confusion, first I contacted their customer support to know what they say, as per their statement, they do not use fiberglass in their premium models while their low-priced mattresses still contain fiberglass.

Then I contacted some of the users of this mattress and read many reviews about the Tuft and Needle mattress fiberglass.

I then tested the Tuft and Needle mattresses myself again to know the exact truth. To be honest, I didn’t find fiberglass particles in their two mattress models whereas others do contain it.

So, what are those Tuft and Needle mattresses that do not contain fiberglass? Let’s find out.

Which Tuft and Needle Mattresses Have Fiberglass

There are basically three models of Tuft and Needle that do not have fiberglass as a fire retardant in them. Apart from those, all other models that they sell on Amazon contain fiberglass irrespective of where you buy.

Our Original, Mint, and Mint Hybrid Mattresses do not contain fiberglass in any of their components.

Our fire barrier is a knit blend of polyester and cotton, which has been treated with a food-grade salt and satisfies both the 1633 (open flame) and 1632 (cigarette) burn test requirements.

Do Tuft and Needle Mattress Original Mattresses Have Fiberglass

No, Tuft and Needle original mattresses do not have fiberglass as a fire retardant. Be it any variant including twin, queen, king, or full, all the variants of this model are fiberglass-free.

I like the fact that the brand already made it clear that their other mattresses have fiberglass while the Original models do not.

I’m not saying anything about the quality, but if you are looking for a mattress without fiberglass then this can be on your list.

Do Tuft and Needle Mattress Mint Mattresses Have Fiberglass

If I talk about this model, the Tuft and Needle Mint mattresses do not have fiberglass, instead, they use organic material to pass the US flammability test.

If not fiberglass, what material is used as a fire retardant in this mattress? They use “a knit blend of polyester and cotton

Our fire barrier is a knit blend of polyester and cotton, which has been treated with a food-grade salt and satisfies both the 1633 (open flame) and 1632 (cigarette) burn test requirements.

Do Tuft and Needle Mattress Mint Hybrid Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Like, the Mint mattress, the Tuft and Needle Mint hybrid mattresses do not contain fiberglass particles, instead they use “a knit blend of polyester and cotton“.

The brand itself has clarified on its official site which model contains fiberglass and which don’t.

Our Original, Mint, and Mint Hybrid Mattresses do not contain fiberglass in any of their components.

I usually double-check by myself because sometimes mattress brands make false claims about the presence of fiberglass, but I didn’t find any fiberglass particles in this model of Tuft and Needle mattress.

Do Tuft and Needle Signature Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Yes, Tuft and Needle signature mattresses have fiberglass in them. It is clearly mentioned on their official site that only the Mint and Mint hybrid are mattresses that are free from glass particles and use polyester and cotton as a fire retardant.

Is There Any Case of Fiberglass Leakage in Tuft and Needle Mattresses

To be honest, there have been a few cases of fiberglass leakage in the Tuft and Needle mattresses but not in all the models, as far as I know, only the Original mattresses of the brands faced the leaking issues.

That too on those mattresses, which were purchased a few years back when the brand used to use fiberglass and there is no fiberglass leakage case with the newer ones.

Do Tuft and Needle Mattresses Have Fiberglass

I haven’t heard or seen any cases of fiberglass leakage in other mattress models including the Mint and Mint hybrid.

The fiberglass leakage cases in Tuft and Needle original mattresses are low as compared to other brands as the quality of the mattress is quite good.

Fiberglass is not bad until it gets in contact with your skin or you somehow inhale it, if a mattress, be it any brand, does not leak fiberglass, you are good. Usually, mattresses with low prices and low quality have this issue.

How to know if my Tuft and Needle mattress have fiberglass?

Their original, mint, and mint hybrid mattresses do not have fiberglass, apart from these models, all other models contain fiberglass.

Can I return my Tuft and Needle mattress?

Yes, you can return your mattress if you are not feeling comfortable, but you need to keep it for a time period specified by Tift and Needle.

To Wrap Up

I hope all your doubts about Tuft and Needle mattress fiberglass are cleared by now and you got your answer to do Tuft and Needle mattresses have fiberglass.

Only the Tuft and Needle original mattresses contain fiberglass, apart from this other mattresses including the Mint and Mint hybrid do not contain any fiberglass particles.

If you have any other queries, you can ask in the comments below.

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