Do Bear Mattresses Have Fiberglass

I wanted to buy a fiberglass-free mattress and someone told me about the Bear mattress, but do Bear mattresses have fiberglass?

I thought why not take a look at the Bear mattress fiberglass and clear your doubts as well?

Do Bear Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Bear mattresses do not have fiberglass, instead, they use natural and organic material, rayon, as a fire retardant.

As per Bear Mattresses, they are partnered with WhisperShield, which is a fire retardant.

We’re proud to say our mattresses are 100% fiberglass free thanks to our exclusive partnership with WhisperShield™, an environmentally friendly, inherently flame-proof rayon. It’s chemical-free, safe, and effective, so you can breathe easy at night.

But is it really true or a false claim by a mattress company? Being a mattress expert, it’s not too hard for me to check and test a mattress if it has fiberglass or not.

As I wanted to buy a new fiberglass-free mattress for myself, I had to check it thoroughly, so I ordered one to test it.

Did I find Fiberglass in the Bear mattresses? No, I did not find fiberglass in the bear mattress that I ordered, the material used is rayon which is a natural cellulose fiber.

Which Bear Mattress is Fiberglass-Free

I was clear that all the Bread mattresses are fiberglass-free until I read one of their statement which made me a bit confused.

Now, we’re proud to say that all of the mattresses in the Bear lineup – the Elite Hybrid, Star Hybrid, Pro Hybrid, Bear Original, and Bear Cub —are 100% fiberglass free thanks to our exclusive partnership with WhisperShield™, an environmentally friendly, inherently flame-proof rayon.

As you can also read, they have mentioned five of their mattress models as fiberglass-free which are the Elite Hybrid, Star Hybrid, Pro Hybrid, Beat Original, and Bear Cub. But what about Bear Tundle and Bear Trek?

I contacted their customer support to clear up my confusion and to provide you all with the correct information.

So, what’s the conclusion? Do all the Bear mattress models are fiberglass-free? After thorough research and asking other users of this mattress, I can say all the models of Bear mattresses are fiberglass-free.

Do Bear Mattresses Have Fiberglass
Do Bear Mattresses Have Fiberglass

What Material is Used as Fire Retardant in Bear Mattresses

So till now, we’ve talked about the Bear Mattress fiberglass and it does not contain it, but what about the material used instead of fiberglass?

What exactly is Rayon that is being used in the mattress as a fire retardant? Rayon is a semi-synthetic fiber, basically a cellulose that is derived from wood pulp, generally from the eucalyptus tree but it can be derived from other trees like bamboo, soy, cotton, etc.

Rayon acts as a natural fire barrier, but compared to fiberglass, it is a bit costly, and that’s why mattress brands use fiberglass which can be harmful.

Is the Material Used Instead of Fiberglass Safe in Bear Mattress

Being a mattress expert, I know before using rayon as a fiber in the mattress, it goes through a lot of chemical processes, and the solvent used can be dangerous to us.

As I said, the manufacturing of rayon involves harmful chemicals, and the workers involved in the manufacturing process face the harmful effects.

Apart from this, rayon is derived from trees, which causes a lot of deforestation, as rayon is used widely.

But when rayon is used as a fire barrier in a mattress, it is not dangerous and won’t cause any harm. Rayon is a safe material to be used in a mattress as a fire retardant, much safer than fiberglass.

Is there any Case of Fiberglass Leakage in the Bear Mattress

There is no case of fiberglass leakage in any of Bear mattresses as there is no fiberglass. I know there are many mattress brands that say they are fiberglass-free and then users post reviews about the leakage of fiberglass.

But this is not the case with the bear mattress, I have talked to a lot of users of the mattress and tested it myself as well, and there is no fiberglass in the mattress.

Do Bear Mattresses Have Fiberglass
Do Bear Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Is the Bear Mattress Fiberglass-Free Certified

There is no dedicated certification for a mattress to certify it as fiberglass-free. A very common certification is CertiPUR-US, but this doesn’t mean a mattress is fiberglass-free.

The Bear mattress is CertiPUR-US and GreenGuard Gold-certified which means the fabric and material are free from substances that can be harmful to you and the environment.

Not all mattresses in the market are GreenGuard Gold-certified, only a few, whose quality is really good and free from harmful elements.

Do Bear mattresses have fiberglass?

No, Bear mattresses are fiberglass free.

What material is used in the Bear mattress?

Rayon is used instead of fiberglass in Bear mattresses.

Are there any reports of fiberglass being found in the Bear mattresses?

No, there are no such cases reported by any user till now.

To Wrap Up

I hope your doubts regarding the Bear mattress fiberglass are cleared and you got your answers to do Bear mattresses have fiberglass or not.

After a thorough test and research, I can say that all the Bear mattresses are fiberglass-free and of good quality.

If you have other queries, you can ask in the comments below.

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